Saturday, November 15, 2008

Building Stampers One Child At A Time

Building Stampers

In a more recent venture, KNS was able to supply a brand new stamp club consisting of home schooled children. We are both delighted and excited to hear about their learning experiences in the stamp world. We received a lovely card signed by all the little stampers. Thank you for keeping our wonderful pastime alive and well in the 21st century.

Protecting Children

Please keep those comments coming on the blog. We appreciate the insight and compliments received by comments and emails. I only ask that you make your free starter-kit requests via email and through an adult. KNS is all about helping parents help kids but we do not solicit, respond or communicate with underage children. I wouldn't allow my children and I ask you politely not to request us to make contact with your children. Perception is reality these days and we don't need the headache. Our thanks for your understanding.

Respecting the Process

Thanks for the inquires and requests but they really need to be via email. When you make a starter-kit via blog comment you first miss out on the email attachments necessary to help kids identify foreign stamps. Also you allow your home address to be broadcasted throughout the Internet and we are not responsible for people misusing it. By respecting the process you get the starter-kits, the attachments and complete privacy. We don't use your address except to mail you the stamps.

Thanks again for your support and understanding.

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